Here you will find the entire range of waxes and varnishes in the Vintage Paint program.
Here at My White Countryhouse you will find a complete range of everything except for the colors in Vintage Paint program.
The wax is a very popular wax because it is very easy to work out, you can use brush, sponge or a piece of cloth to work out the wax. If you want the wax to be a bit softer you can put the jar in the sun or on an radiator. The wax provides a protective and easy to dust surface which is good as it lasts longer and becomes easier to keep clean. You may want to add several layers of wax to make it last longer , but it's important that you let the wax harden for at least five days before putting on the second layer.
We have a matt varnish and a high gloss varnish. The matt varnish has a gloss of 0.2 which is well below the standard numbers used on varnish. The varnish is suitable where there is high wear and where you need extra hard protection. Kitchen benches and floors are surfaces where you should use varnish in the Vintage Paint program.
The hardest surface is obtained by first adding two layers of high-gloss wax and finishing with the matte coat on top.
Primer / sealer
Primer / Sealer lets you use both as a barrier base where needed and as a protective layer on top of the paint you painted.